
The girl of my dreams

Now I realize this is part of something I have already quoted in this blog but over the past few days it has become increasingly important for my recovery. Now Im still sad at times and I can feel really bad. I still fantasize and daydream about my ex but now I always have this in mind:

Look, what you imagined with your girl is just a DREAM. Based on things you imagine in your head, not based on what's actually there. I've been there, the dream is always beautiful and perfect. But she's not the person in your dream. OR else she'd be with you now.

And you know what its true and its something that I can both understand rationally and emotionally. She really isnt my dream girl if she doesnt want to actually be with me. Believe it or not but it does help me keeping my head up at least a little bit further than I did before. Its still a pain in the ass sometimes, especially in the mornings but this does make things a little bit better. I even added part of the quote just under the blog "headline". Its that important to me at this moment.

Right now I am getting used to the thought of not having this special girl with me in my future (at least not as a girlfriend or wife or anything of the sort). At this moment I cant see how anyone could replce her or the dream I had about how things would eventually turn out. However I have gotten loads of advice over the past few days and they all seem to say that I will come over this and find someone else who I will look upon as better than what I have had thus far with my ex. I just hope they are right.

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