


Arla i urtid fanns ingenting, ej sand eller hav eller svala vågor; jord fanns icke och ingen himmel, där fanns ett omätligt gap gräs fanns icke.



The Beginning and The Origin of all Being Things (of the all-there-is) is the Apeiron. and therefrom is the emergence of the being things thereinto is also their waning according to their fate. and they pay each other their justified debt and penance for their injustice according to the law of the Time.



The substance of the great Life completely follows Tao.
Tao brings about all things so chaotically, so darkly,
Chaotic and dark are images.
Unfathomable and obscure in it is the seed.
This seed is wholly true.
In it dwells reliability.
From ancient times to this day
We cannot make do without names
In order to view all things.
Whence do I know the nature of things?
Just through them.

Lao Tzu, Tao Teh Ching


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