
This and that.

You might wonder why I write all these posts all of a sudden. Well, this is my third day being sick. I feel like I have a fever but the thermometer says otherwise. These days I only get this sick about once a year so I hope this is it and that I keep fresh the rest of 2009.

It has dawned on me how boring it is to be home with nothing to do. I did manage to read some a couple of days ago but in general I avent been able to. What I have done is watching loads of football (the kind of football where the participants actually use their feet to kick the ball). I went to a game some days ago with friends and I got into it. I never really cared alot even though I do have a favorite team and all. However the game I went to combined with me having loads of time being home and sick made me watch it more. Been watching about 5 matches. 4 champions league and 1 från the swedish league and Im getting into it. I will attend a game on Monday as well. I hope Im well enough to enjoy it by then.

I answered an add that a band had put on the internet about possibly becoming a bass player for them. When they found out I played in another band they said that they wanted someone who would focus whole heartedly on their band. Ah come on... Just because I play in two bands doesnt mean time has to be taken from either of them. Sounds kind of like when James Hetfield didnt want Jason Newstedt to do anything outside of Metallica. I guess thats their loss...

I got myself google analytics to gain stats from this page. So far it seem like my left hand path posts gather most internet traffic. And here I am writing diary like posts. We'll see if I can manage to throw something new together on the LHP topic soon.

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