
In between sleep

I fell asleep earlier than planned today while waiting for a tv-show. Naturally I woke up and got ready for bed and couldnt go back to sleep. Im now up and I feel pretty good. Maybe Im tired enough for my brain to be relaxed but not as tired so that I can go ack to sleep. Whatever the reason I actually feel fine. Somewhat of a nice calm state of mind. Unfortunately there is work tomorrow and a few other things I need to do but right now that doesnt bother me that much.

I also helped a friend today who is experiencing much of the same stuff I do emotionally but for different reasons. I really recognized what this person said to me and while he reacted with anger and I usually react with sadness I recognized the ultimate source and thought patterns. In a way it was good for me to see someone react like I did. Not that I want my friend to be miserable but I think it was good for me to discuss things with someone who is doing alot of the same things I have been doing the last few months. It gave me some perspective and objectivity which may even become essential in my path towards future happiness. I just need to find that reason to keep on going.

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