
Small update

Yeah, there is no real substance to this post. I felt like I wanted to write something but I dont really have the strength to do so. I have been home sick for a few days now doing nothing but eat, sleep, breathe and shit. Its very rare that I get sick so I hope this is it for another few years. I bet it had to do with me bathing in a lake during the weekend.

Anyways things have happened in my life that has made me alot more happy as a person which is a great change from how things have been these past few months. While I dont, at this moment, know what will happen there are things Im definately looking forward to in the future. I met this great girl and I hope something good will come from that and I also have a trip coming up to see NOAH. Me and a couple of friends have also been very active in doing stuff together which has been great. Just this past weekend we went to Falun Mine which was well worth the money. Ive been in the Sala Mine before but it was a long time ago. Truly fascinating stuff.

Otherwise I have nothing else to report other than that Im thinking of what part III will be of my "why Im not religious" article. It ma be something regarding a life after this life or maybe something on theism, atheism and agnosticism (subjects Ive already touched on in this blog). We'll see what happens and when it happens. Right now I'll concentrate on getting healthy.

The part of the mine thats above the ground. Its alot bigger below what you can see in the picture (that I feel doesnt make reality justice).


Anonymous said...

Do share with us who this love is,
we are curious love!

TheInsane said...

Well I dont want to put my _whole_ life up for anyone to read (only about 90%, hehe). Gotta have some privacy as well yeah? And I dont know if she'd like to be mentioned. After all its still in the very early stages. I know she's interested and she nows that I am interested. Thats good enough for me right now :) I just know that Im happy with the situation and I look forward to seeing what happens in the future. And there are some plans that I hope materialize quite soon.