
The darkness was one

The Eternal Parent, wrapped in invisible robes slumbered. Time was not, for it lay asleep in the infinite bosom of duration. Space was not, for there was no place or point. Darkness alone filled the Boundless All. And the Darkness was One.

The Seven Sublime Forms and the Five Truths were not yet, and the universe, the child of Necessity, had not yet been breathed out. Alone, the One Form of Being stretched boundless, infinite, causeless, in dreamless sleep. And life pulsated unconscious, throughout that all-presence. The Great Wheel was not yet. The Dark Formers and the Luminous Forms, were not yet. The Forms that come from No-form rested in the bliss of eternal non-being. And the Darkness was One.

A vibration thrills through Darkness, expanding within and without, touching the whole Universe which was now an embryo in Darkness. Then, the Ray flashed out into a web of 7 lights, and the 5 truths molded the whole into LIFE. Yet still, the Darkness was One.

And the Cosmos was born from the web, a woven fabric of many colors and tones. And the cloth was woven perfectly, no color dominated, yet none were the same; no tones were the same, yet all were harmonious; all blended in a variegated ever-changing cloth, whose capacity for infinite change was proof of the miracle of life. And all things living are part of this woven fabric of life. And all they have to do to delight in this gift of life, is BE. Yet through the changing of times and places, through the births and deaths of stars that form the Web of Life, the Wheel Spins relentlessly in the Grand Illusion. Yet still, the Darkness IS One.

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Unknown said...


Uppskattar du Tani Jantsangs "Dark Doctrines" Sat-Tan-ism? Det gör jag. Hör av dig till augustalm@gmail.com om du är intresserad av kontakt med en likasinnad svensk.

TheInsane said...

Just för tillfället är jag inte intresserad så mycket av utbyte av mail rörande det här ämnet. Jag har så mycket annat att tänka på. Möjligen att jag återkommer när saker har lugnat ner sig en aning men jag vet inte när det kan ske.

Kul att du hittat till bloggen samt att du kommenterat ett inlägg dock. Känn dig fri att göra detsamma med andra inlägg :)