
The rebirth....

After a pretty long break I have been thinking of going back to writing on this blog. I felt that the posts had become to similar and I also felt that the blog had turned into some huge negative thing where I would only complain about stuff. The original thought was for this to be absolutely non-personal. It was supposed to deal with religion and philosophy. Granted it was all _my_ views and _my_ interests but never on a more personal level. After a while and some happenings in real life this somehow turned into a diary of negativity. As of right now I hope I can blend both of these aspects into one whole. I realize that if I am to continue to keep this blog alive I have to include alot of different topics and not just a few selected subjects.

The revival of my bog also comes from the fact that I have realized its not just my personal forum but I now know others have been reading what I write and some, well it should read _one_, has actually commented on how she enjoys reading it.

I am still struggling to find my way again and even if the the lyrics in the post below (that belongs to an awfully bad song I might add) still somehow rings true things are getting alot better. I have some new contacts that has made me happier and a friend has moved back home after living in another country for a few months. I hope this is all signs of help for me to recover. I still slip occasionally but it is getting easier to stand up again. And if this doesnt kill me I damn sure hope it will make me stronger. To rise from the ashes like a phoenix even stronger than before.

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